Friday 27 May 2011

How Elizabeth Bennet Was Different

          Throughout the novel Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet’s character was displayed as remarkably different than the women of that era. At the turn of the 19th century, women felt that their most important goal was to marry men of wealth and good connections in society; this was thought to secure their happiness, even if the man chosen was completely indifferent to their nature. As the second daughter in the Bennet family, and notably the most intelligent, Elizabeth’s over-confident attitude often clouded her judgement of others. Her scepticism allowed her to view life more realistically as compared to her somewhat delusional family, who seemed to hold themselves far above their actual circumstances. Throughout her encounters with Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth displayed both pride and prejudice and her independent nature went against traditional attitudes and opinions.
          Oftentimes, Elizabeth’s tone of voice was filled with an underlying defensiveness as she was unwilling to except her inferiority to those whom she felt were equal to her. Moreover, her feminist views on life were atypical and she believed that she would likely never marry, as it would not be possible to find a spouse to fulfill her almost unrealistic expectations. Her rejection of Mr. Collin’s proposal, was evidence of her assertiveness when she poignantly addressed the fact that, "[Mr. Collins] could not make [her] happy;" she was convinced that such a marriage would inevitably result in the resentment of the other. To actually turn down a "suitable offer" of marriage at that time was not only unheard of but unthinkable.
          In addition, Elizabeth had no trouble stating her opinions and put Mr. Darcy in his place on several occasions. Ironically, her contempt for him became a reason for his interest in her. While most women would have loved his attention, she dismissed him regardless of his wealth or social rank. When Elizabeth finally became aware that she had misjudged Mr. Darcy, her unconventional attitudes, opinions and charm were most prominently displayed, making her an unforgettable character.

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